On Tuesday-Wednesday we played another KO team tournament
again. Since the Vanderbilt has just started, we were of course seeded to the
first bracket, but without fear that we had to face a world class team in the
first round and to be knocked out immediately. Against average opponents we win
all our matches on Tuesday, in the semi-final we lose the second half of the
match against Brazilian ladies´ team with 20 IMPs, surviving still, the first
half being 44-7 to us. The final is not starting too well for us and we are
down by 14 at the halfway. The second half is better, 24-15 for us, but not
good enough, so we have to be content with second place. Results: http://live.acbl.org/event/NABC181/133A/2/summary
Your opponents have bid three suits naturally and then end
up in three no-trumps. You hold void in the unbid suit and your partner is on
the lead. It´s not 99% sure, but 100%, that partner is finding your void with
the lead, right? On the following board Vesa was positively surprised when I
didn´t lead a diamond.
I lead the nine of hearts, dummy tried the Jack and Vesa won
with the queen. Back came a club ten, declarer won the trick with the Ace and
continued with the Queen of diamonds to my King. A heart looked very tempting
switch right now, but luckily for us I took a second look of the situation. Declarer
would win the heart switch and play a diamond to the Jack. After winning my
diamond Ace (with or without ducking one round), there´s no more chance for the
defence. Declarer can enter the dummy with the Ace of spades, take his diamond
tricks and play spades towards his hand. Whatever partner has in spades,
declarer makes always at least nine tricks. But if partner has the King of spades,
a spade switch to the fourth trick might disturb declarer´s entries.
So I
continue with a low spade and Vesa surprises positively by taking the King and
continuing spades to dummy´s Ace. Next declarer cashes one high heart,
discarding a small club from his hand, and continues with a diamond to his
queen. I win the trick and continue more diamonds to the dummy. Vesa can lean
back to his chair and wait for the setting trick with the ten of hearts.
Declarer´s line was not the best one. He shouldn´t have played a small diamond
to his Queen in the end position. If instead he would play the ten of diamonds
and a the five of his hand, deliberately blocking the suit, he would survive.
If I would win with the Ace, declarer has eight tricks in his hand. With the
heart Ace already in his bag he would make the contract. If I duck the diamond
ten, declarer cashes next the King of hearts and endplays Vesa with a heart. He
has to continue a black suit and declarer reaches his winners in his hand.
Against the ladies from Rio de Janeiro the following board
was the biggest swing for us.
My four heart bid looks aggressive, but partner is short in
clubs and has at most four spades, so odds are on that he´s not too short in
hearts. To my mind North should take out the double with four spades, but in
that case this board would have been forgotten quite quickly.
North started with a low club to South´s Queen and I ruffed
the club continuation with dummy´s six of hearts. Diamond to the Ace was
followed by Queen, King and ruff. I crossed to the dummy with a heart South
following with the Queen. Now if South´s distribution is 4-1-2-6, I’ll make my
contract. I discard one club on the ten of diamonds and another one on the
following diamond. North can ruff, but all I have to lose is two clubs and one
trump trick. Unfortunately South follows to the ten of diamonds and now it
looks like one down. North ruffs and greedily tries to cash the Ace of spades.
I ruff and draw last trump and lose two clubs… But, wait a minute, not so fast.
I just give a trick to North´s Jack of trumps and she has nothing but spades in
her hand anymore. I lose one extra trump trick but get two diamond tricks in
exchange! +790 and plus 11 IMPs when at the other table our teammates went two
down undoubled in five spades. Of course my opponent should have returned
safely a heart after the club ruff, and we would lose 9 IMPs on the board.
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Playing venue |
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City hall |
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