With KQ75, K9752, AK10, Q none vul I here my left hand opponent open with two clubs, 10-15 any three-suiter. Partner passes and North on my right bids two hearts, pass or correct. I double, South as well and my partner bids three clubs. We play Lebensohl in this sequence, so partner is promising some values. Now three no-trumps looks like an obvious choice. But partner is surely very short in hearts, so he might have easily four cards in spades. And even with a 4-3 fit four spades might be a better contract than three no-trumps so I choose to bid three spades. Partner continues with four hearts, slam inviting with spade support. I try to slow down with four spades, but partner makes one more try with five spades, which also becomes the final contract. South starts with the Ace of spades.
The lead is very helpful. Because I know that South has a three-suiter, he has either singleton spade or AJ96. Nobody leads an Ace from this kind of four card suit, so the Ace is singleton. South cashes next the Ace of hearts, very helpful indeed, and continues next with a diamond to the Jack and the Ace. I ruff a heart in dummy and play next the ten of spades, the Jack and the King. South is still co-operating with me with a club discard. The rest is easy. I unblock the Queen of clubs, ruff a heart to dummy and cash the two high clubs discarding one diamond and one heart. Next I continue with dummy´s high clubs and North is helpless. If he refuses to ruff, I discard my two red Kings and take the two last tricks with my Q7 of spades. At the other table declarer went down in three no-trumps, so we gain 11 IMPs, but maybe not so well deserved...
The lead is very helpful. Because I know that South has a three-suiter, he has either singleton spade or AJ96. Nobody leads an Ace from this kind of four card suit, so the Ace is singleton. South cashes next the Ace of hearts, very helpful indeed, and continues next with a diamond to the Jack and the Ace. I ruff a heart in dummy and play next the ten of spades, the Jack and the King. South is still co-operating with me with a club discard. The rest is easy. I unblock the Queen of clubs, ruff a heart to dummy and cash the two high clubs discarding one diamond and one heart. Next I continue with dummy´s high clubs and North is helpless. If he refuses to ruff, I discard my two red Kings and take the two last tricks with my Q7 of spades. At the other table declarer went down in three no-trumps, so we gain 11 IMPs, but maybe not so well deserved...
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